Group-wide operation.

Grand Prix Auto Group runs Hyundai, Mazda, and Peugeot franchises as well as parts and service operations across Southern Queensland.

Grand Prix Motors, QLD, Australia

Group-wide operation.

Key insight

"Trusted accounting and reporting."

We spoke with Irwin Lee, Group Financial Controller of Grand Prix, about the recent installation of Titan DMS across the group.

Here's what he had to say:

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I’m paying the same money as before but getting a system I trust, helpdesk support, better reporting and a wider range of functions.
Irwin Lee
Group Financial Controller
Grand Prix Motors, QLD, Australia

Valuable support

"The helpdesk support Titan provides is extremely useful."

Multiple efficiencies

"There are lots of small efficiencies particularly due to the visibility and accuracy Titan provides across the business."

Value for money

"I’m paying the same money as before but getting a system I trust, helpdesk support, better reporting and a wider range of functions."


"I’ve worked with the Titan DMS platform in a previous role, so I know the information it provides is accurate and it delivers all the reports I need to operate effectively across the group."

What prompted you to consider changing your existing DMS provider?

I’ve worked with the Titan DMS platform in a previous role, so I know the information it provides is accurate and it delivers all the reports I need to operate effectively across the group. I didn’t feel that was the case before the change.

What made you choose the Titan DMS product over other products in the market?

I didn’t look at any other DMS. It’s a small supplier pool and I was confident I knew which one to choose. A couple of specific points are: the helpdesk support Titan provides is extremely useful (which was missing from the previous supplier) and Titan definitely leads from a finance and administration point of view.

How did Titan approach the initial consultation for the changeover?

It was good. Our main difficulty was that we wanted to restrict the project discussions to management level up to one week out from installation. This meant Titan only had access to manager level from initial consultation up to the week prior to changeover which probably had an impact on the installation process.

How would you describe the training Titan delivered leading up to ‘go live’?

Good but one week felt light especially as we are split over three sites, and each operates slightly differently. The one-week limit was budget and information sharing driven, but it would have been good to have had two.

Titan Academy is a really useful resource but I’m not sure how many people used it – maybe only 30% -40% of our staff. The rest just ask me or call your helpdesk!

How did Titan manage the ‘go live’ in your dealership/s?

They managed it well. Allocation of resources for North Lakes and Narangba were good, Caboolture could have used more but overall, the go live was successful.

The team were professional, especially in staying late over go-live weekend.

Did Titan deliver your new DMS on time and within budget?

Yes. The process felt really compacted but that was largely created by our timelines and the bad data in the system.

How would you describe the support provided by Titan after ‘go live’?

Good. Very helpful. I’ve kept Maggie on in the group for 3 months to help with getting our data and processes in shape and she’s doing a dirty job very well. The work she’s doing will help set us up for long term benefits.

How soon after the Titan implementation did you notice improvement in your department/s?

Probably after the third week. There are lots of small efficiencies particularly due to the visibility and accuracy Titan provides across the business. I no longer have to do manual cleaning of finance data like I did before. Another specific example, in our previous software, if you didn’t close the RO you couldn’t close the “due”. This meant we had to spend time every week chasing people to catch up on their admin – we don’t need to do that anymore and that alone probably saves about 5 hours per week, per site.

Please provide examples of improvements due to Titan in your departments.

Parts & Admin are now running one database rather than two. That’s much more efficient and creates less opportunity for human error. Another example is our stock controller can work much more efficiently due to the automations in Titan, particularly vehicles in/out and to/from other dealerships which is a more streamlined and accurate process.

Using only three words each, how would you describe the Titan DMS:

Product – User-friendly, accurate, convenient
Team - Knowledgeable, helpful, effective

Given what you know now, would you still have made the change to Titan DMS?

Yes. I can do my job much better in Titan.

What advice would you give to those dealerships who are not on Titan DMS?

You’re losing out on some valuable technological advancements in the dealership administration space. The alternatives are all legacy systems.

Do you consider Titan DMS good value for money?

Yes. I’m paying the same money as before but getting a system I trust, helpdesk support, better reporting and a wider range of functions.

Please give an overall mark to your experience (out of 10)


Thanks for the feedback, Irwin

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Irwin Lee
Group Financial Controller
Grand Prix Motors, QLD, Australia
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