Meet June Kim

Get to know June Kim, the brains behind Titan Academy. She describes herself as creative, curious, and collaborative and you can also discover what she's most embarrassed about!

Meet June Kim

June is the brains behind Titan Academy. She has a Doctorate in Education and Media Technology and a number of years of experience working in the USA but this isn’t Linkedin, so we wanted to know what was behind the professional exterior. Here’s what she said:

Who are you?

I’m June. I live in Korea now but spent 15 years in Boston and New York. I moved back to Korea to be closer to family but love the fact I can work internationally.  

What do you do?

As eLearning Manager with Titan, my role is to develop the Titan Academy platform to ensure all users of our DMS develop expertise and best practices in the system. By giving people access to the right guided training tools and giving managers the ability to set learning goals, we provide the opportunity to dramatically improve their processes. I find that really exciting.

What do you love most about your profession?

I love feeling that what I’m working on will benefit lots of people in their careers. I’m an education geek, so this is my passion.

What do you most like about working for Titan?

There’s no top-down management. I feel supported to work and create in a way that I believe is best and although I’m based in Korea, I feel very connected to the rest of the team as well, they are very welcoming (as I’m finding again this week in Brisbane and Melbourne at the AADA show).

What’s the best piece of advice you have for anyone in your profession?

Stay curious and seek learning opportunities for new tools, methods, and ideas. Also, put yourself in the place of the person you are doing the work for; try to understand what they want from what you are producing.

What is your superpower?

Distilling. No, not alcohol I’m afraid, I mean taking complex information and delivering it in a clear and simple manner to help people understand it.  

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

A soldier. When I was in high school, a graduated senior (the first female soldier in South Korea) came in to speak to us and I was hugely inspired. She was like a superhero and I wanted to be in a uniform and protect people as well.

What are we likely to find you doing outside work?

Watching films. I love to escape in movies and explore the different characters and personalities.

What makes you embarrassed?

I often forget people’s names, even after they’ve just told me! I don’t know if I’m very good at hiding it either so sorry if I’ve ever done that to someone reading this! The plus side is that I’ve learned to be an information visualiser so that helps in lots of other areas (I’ll never forget their favourite colours, foods, or hobbies!).

Sum up a great team in three words.

Collaboration, Honesty, Enthusiasm

Thanks for playing along June!

Opening Quotation Marks


January 28, 2025


January 28, 2025

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